Europeana Social

Antisemitism manifests itself in many ways. However, few people know that there were antisemitic demonstrations in Hungary shortly after WWII, during the Soviet occupation. Some of these riots accompanied the matches of a Budapest football club MTK➡️
by @Europeanaeu | 2 years ago

The tiny village of Martfű has made a big name for itself as the capital of Hungarian shoes. Read our blog to learn about the history of Tisza sport shoes: the icon of Hungarian sport➡️ #CultureEuro #EuropeanaSport
by @Europeanaeu | 2 years ago

"The grant has allowed me to produce a resource that processes #WWI postcards in a form that maps their movements in time, while retaining a presence on the map itself" - read the interview with Europeana Research Grant Winner @Zaziegazouille
by @Europeanaeu | 4 years ago